

Scentia Research

Naka Bodhi (NBOT)

Naka Bodhi (NBOT) Research Report – Disclaimer (March 5, 2024)

This report is based on information obtained from various sources as of March 5, 2024. Due to the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency market, the information provided may not be fully comprehensive or up-to-date.

Market Data

  • Current Price: $0.004124 ([CoinMarketCap])
  • Market Capitalization: Not available (as circulating supply is not reported) ([CoinMarketCap])
  • Exchanges: NBOT is currently listed on several exchanges, including Binance, Bitfinex, and Huobi Global ([CoinMarketCap])

Project Introduction

Naka Bodhi is a blockchain project that initially focused on decentralized prediction markets. It has since migrated its platform to its own blockchain, Naka Chain, and its native token, NBOT, now serves as the governance token for the chain. ([CoinMarketCap])

Project Release Date & Token Release Date


  • Augur (REP): $114,661,345 ([CoinMarketCap])
  • Gnosis (GNO): $444,200,317 ([CoinMarketCap])
  • Numeraire (NMR): $118,216,844 ([CoinMarketCap])

Use Cases

NBOT has several use cases within the Naka Chain ecosystem:

  • Governance: NBOT holders can participate in voting on proposals related to the development and operation of the Naka Chain. ([Coinbase])
  • Staking: Users can stake NBOT to earn rewards and support the network’s security. ([Naka Bodhi Token – Whitepaper, https://www.deooh.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/DeOOH-White-Paper-V1.0.6.pdf])
  • Fee Payment: NBOT can be used to pay transaction fees on the Naka Chain. ([Coinbase])


Naka Chain utilizes a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism to secure the network. ([Naka Bodhi Token – Whitepaper, https://www.deooh.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/DeOOH-White-Paper-V1.0.6.pdf])

Smart Contracts & Audits

While information on specific smart contracts for NBOT is limited, the Naka Chain platform underwent an audit by CertiK in 2018. The audit report can be found here: https://www.certik.com/

Investors or Partners

No recent news reports (within the last 90 days) were found regarding new investors or partners for Naka Bodhi.

Funding Information

Information regarding the amount raised during the NBOT token sale is not publicly available.

Token Distribution

  • Total Supply: 100,000,000 NBOT ([CoinGecko])

Token Economics & Use Cases

NBOT’s primary use case is governance within the Naka Chain ecosystem. However, specific details regarding token distribution and vesting schedules are not readily available.


The Naka Bodhi website outlines a roadmap with various milestones, but it appears outdated and does not reflect recent developments. ([Naka Bodhi – Roadmap, https://docs.nakamoto.games/naka-roadmap])

Team Members

The Naka Bodhi team page lists several individuals with brief descriptions but lacks links to their LinkedIn profiles. ([Naka Bodhi – Team, https://www.facebook.com/teambodhiisabell/])


Additional Notes:

  • The lack of recent updates and readily available information on the project raises concerns about its current activity and development status.
  • Further research is recommended to gain a clearer understanding of the project’s future plans and its viability in the competitive cryptocurrency landscape.


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