

Scentia Research

Wrapped Astar (WASTR)

Disclaimer: This report is based on information available on [date of research – 2024-03-05]. Due to the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market, data may change rapidly.

Wrapped Astar (WASTR)

Project introduction and brief summary of its solutions and/or products:

Wrapped Astar (WASTR) is a wrapped token that represents Astar (ASTR) tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to leverage Astar’s smart contract functionality and access its decentralized applications (dApps) within the Ethereum ecosystem. Essentially, WASTR bridges Astar and Ethereum, enabling the transfer of value between the two blockchains.

Project release date & Token release date:

The exact date of WASTR’s launch is not publicly available. However, information suggests it was launched sometime in 2022.

Market capitalization:

Market capitalization data for WASTR is currently unavailable on major cryptocurrency market trackers like CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko.

Current price:

As of March 5, 2024, the price of WASTR is around $0.16.

Exchanges where the cryptocurrency is currently listed:

WASTR is currently listed on a few cryptocurrency exchanges, including:

  • Binance


While WASTR isn’t a direct competitor to Astar itself, it competes with other wrapped tokens that bridge different blockchains. Some of its competitors, listed by market capitalization (highest to lowest), include:

  • Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC)
  • renBTC
  • Polygon PoS (MATIC)

Use cases:

  • Bridging Astar and Ethereum: WASTR allows users to move their ASTR tokens between the Astar and Ethereum blockchains seamlessly.
  • Accessing dApps on Ethereum: Users can leverage WASTR to interact with dApps built on the Ethereum blockchain using their Astar tokens.
  • Increased liquidity: Wrapping ASTR as WASTR potentially increases its liquidity by opening it up to the vast Ethereum ecosystem.


WASTR relies on the ERC-20 token standard on the Ethereum blockchain. This standard ensures compatibility with various Ethereum wallets and dApps.

Smart contracts and audits:

While information on a dedicated smart contract for WASTR is limited, it likely utilizes the smart contract functionality of the Astar Bridge, which facilitates the wrapping and unwrapping process.

Investors or partners involved:

There is currently no publicly available information about specific investors or partners directly involved with WASTR.

Amount of money raised during the presale stage/ICO/seed rounds:

As WASTR is a wrapped token, it doesn’t have its own ICO or fundraising rounds.

Token distribution %:

The total supply of WASTR is not publicly available. However, by design, the total supply of WASTR should always be equal to the amount of ASTR tokens locked on the Astar Bridge to mint WASTR.

Detailed token economics and use cases:

WASTR primarily functions as a medium of exchange between the Astar and Ethereum ecosystems. It doesn’t have its own unique set of tokenomics beyond inheriting the value and utility of the underlying ASTR token.


As WASTR is not an independent project with its own roadmap, its development is likely tied to the progress of the Astar Bridge and the Astar ecosystem as a whole.

Team members list and brief description:

The development of WASTR is likely not attributed to a specific team but rather falls under the responsibility of the Astar team responsible for the Astar Bridge.


Additional notes:

  • Due to the limited information available about WASTR, further research is recommended to gain a more comprehensive understanding of its development and future potential.


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